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Human[Kind] - The Art of G. Luigi Rossi



St James Cavalier, Valletta

15 December 2023– 11 February 2024

A thought-provoking and emotionally resonant experience, touching on various societal issues while inviting reflection on our shared journey, collective resilience, and the profound beauty found within the tapestry of human existence.

G. Luigi Rossi's art exhibition is a compelling exploration of various facets of humanity and societal issues. His utilization of abstract paintings, inspired by the moon landing and reflective of the duality of human nature, seems to offer a unique perspective on conflicts, social injustices, and the delicate balance between humanity and nature. The renowned Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) offered numerous insights into various facets of humanity and societal issues, especially upon the complexities of human nature and its impact on society. He stated, “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed” (1933:49). He emphasized that when individuals come together, whether, in conflict or harmony, they influence each other and undergo mutual changes, shaping not only their personal lives but also the dynamics of the larger society.


Rossi’s approach to addressing social injustice through his art seems particularly impactful. By challenging viewers to confront disparities and inequalities in society, his paintings serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy, compassion, and collective action in striving for a fairer world.

The combination of vibrant colours such as yellow, blue, purple, and red to evoke nostalgic memories of his past life in Germany adds a personal and emotional dimension to this collection, allowing viewers to connect on a deeper level with his experiences and emotions. Inspired by the contemporary German artist, Anselm Kiefer (1945-), known for his monumental and emotionally charged artworks, the artist often incorporates symbolic colours and themes that evoke historical and cultural references, particularly related to Germany’s past and collective memory. Rossi’s exploration of colours isn’t just about aesthetics but also about invoking emotional responses and connections to history and personal experiences. In his influential 1910 book, Concerning the Spiritual in Art, the legendary painter Vassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) stated: “Colour provokes a psychic vibration. Colour hides a power still unknown but real, which acts on every part of the human body.”  

In G. Luigi Rossi’s paintings, the archetypal connections are reflected through recurring symbols, imagery, and themes that resonate with universal human experiences and collective symbols. Archetypes, as coined by Carl Gustav Jung, are fundamental symbols or motifs that exist within the collective unconscious and are shared across cultures and societies. These archetypes represent fundamental human themes such as birth, death, love, and power, among others. The juxtaposition of archetypal forms and the balance between order and irregularity in Rossi’s paintings create this fascinating tension, mirroring the complexities of contemporary life.

Overall, G. Luigi Rossi's art seems to offer a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant experience, touching on various societal issues while inviting contemplation and reflection on the human condition. In an enchanting exploration of the human experience, ‘HUMAN[KIND]’ transcends boundaries, inviting reflection on our shared journey, collective resilience, and the profound beauty found within the tapestry of human existence.


Prof Louis Laganà PhD (Lough)


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